Posted by SQL Enthusiast
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By default a database has a single filegroup called PRIMARY and all tables are stored in this filegroup. However it’s possible to create other filegroups and store tables in these new filegroups. One of the most common reasons for doing this is if you have some high performance disks and want to store certain tables on those faster disks. This is especially useful for data warehouses and other large databases where you might have some data that is accessed more frequently and where response times are particularly important. This article shows how to create another filegroup and move existing tables into the new filegroup (if you are creating new tables then you can just create them on the new filegroup). I have used the AdventureWorks2008R2 demo database which can be downloaded from the CodePlex website.
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The stored procedure xp_readerrorlog (and also sp_readerrorlog) allows searching of the SQL Server error logs. However only one log can be searched at a time. This script searches all available logs, by looping through each log in turn.
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