Converting row values in a table to a single concatenated string

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I recently had to look at a problem that required converting the column values from a set of rows into a single comma separated string. On the face of it this is quite straightforward, but as with many things SQL Server there is more than one way to solve the problem. I’ve presented a few possible solutions here, no doubt there are more.

Moving on to problem, I'll create a table which can be used to demonstrate this (for the purposes of simplicity I’ve removed most of the columns).

Here is the table creation script :
CREATE TABLE ConcatenationDemo
and here is the data (as a SQL script) :
INSERT INTO ConcatenationDemo
      SELECT 1,'A1'
The requirement is to create a query that will concatenate the values in the ‘Txt’ column into a comma separated list. The query needs to return one row and one column so that the results pane in SQL Server Management Studio looks like this :

Concatenation Results

Solution 1 : Using a Recursive CTE

SQL Server 2005 opened up the possibility of using recursion within a SQL statement. Here is a recursive CTE that produces the required result :
;WITH CTE_Concatenated AS
    SELECT  RowID,
    FROM    ConcatenationDemo
    WHERE   RowID = 1
    SELECT  ConcatenationDemo. RowID
           ,CTE_Concatenated.Txt + ',' + ConcatenationDemo.Txt
    FROM    CTE_Concatenated
    JOIN    ConcatenationDemo
    ON      ConcatenationDemo. RowID =CTE_Concatenated.RowID + 1
    SELECT  Txt
    FROM    CTE_Concatenated
    WHERE   RowID = (SELECT MAX(RowID) FROM ConcatenationDemo)
If I run this query then I get the result I want : The first part of the CTE is the anchor that sets the initial condition and the second part (after the UNION ALL) is the recursive part. I won’t explain this further here, however there is an excellent article about this subject on MSDN titled 'Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions'

Solution 2 : Using PIVOT

The first instinct when confronted with a problem which involves converting rows to columns may be to use PIVOT, and indeed the following code uses the PIVOT operator. It returns the same result as that above :
SELECT [1]+','+[2]+','+[3]+','+[4]+','+[5]+','+[6]+','+[7]+','+[8] AS Txt
FROM  (SELECT 'Total' AS AC,[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8]
          (SELECT RowID,Txt FROM ConcatenationDemo) AS B
       PIVOT (MAX(Txt) FOR RowID IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8])
             ) AS A
      ) AS C
I’ve used the PIVOT command to convert the rows to an equivalent number of columns and then concatenated the result together. Normally we would have some type of aggregation as the rows are pivoted to columns, hence the use of the MAX() here. Note that in the this example no aggregation is necessary so this could equally well be a MIN(). One thing that you may have noticed is that the code is specific for the number of rows in the table – the code would have to be modified if there was an extra row. This is a significant limitation of this approach.

Solution 3 : Using a WHILE loop or Cursor

In the procedural world the chosen solution would probably be some sort of looping construct. We can do the same thing in SQL Server using either a while loop or cursor. The following code uses a WHILE loop (this could be rewritten to use a cursor) :
SET @Count = 1
SET @Txt = ''
SET @MaxCount = (SELECT MAX(RowID) FROM ConcatenationDemo)
WHILE @Count<=@MaxCount
    IF @Txt!=''
        SET @Txt=@Txt+',' + (SELECT Txt FROM ConcatenationDemo WHERE RowID=@Count)
        SET @Txt=(SELECT Txt FROM ConcatenationDemo WHERE RowID=@Count)
    SET @Count=@Count+1
Generally looping constructs in SQL are to be avoided as they can perform badly. However if the number of rows is small, as it is here, then this can be a useful approach. This solution is perhaps the easiest to understand and the most flexible, where performance isn’t an issue.

Solution 4 : Using SQL Concatenation

This solution is perhaps the most surprising, in that at first glance you might not expect it to work. The SQL below simply creates a variable then concatenates the value of the row. SQL iterates around each row in the table to produce the result. I adapted this solution from some code I found on a newsgroup a while ago, and was astonished that it worked. This behaviour is certainly unexpected, and also appears to be undocumented. As such it comes with a “health warning” as it maybe that Microsoft will remove the ability to do this in the future without warning. However for non-production code it’s a very simple solution.
SET @Txt1=''
SELECT  @Txt1 = @Txt1 + Txt +','
FROM    ConcatenationDemo
SELECT  LEFT(@Txt1,LEN(@Txt1)-1) AS Txt

Solution 5 : Using FOR XML PATH

Some of the XML statements introduced in SQL Server 2005 had to implement a means of looping around data in order to produce XML. This solution takes advantage of this, but strips out the XML specific parts to produce the comma separated list.
            FROM ConcatenationDemo
            FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') AS Txt

Solution 6 : Using the CLR

SQL Server 2005 introduced the ability to write logic using procedural code in C# or other dot net languages using the CLR. As the dot net framework provides richer capabilities for implementing logic such as string handling this is another possible way of implementing a solution.


I’ve given six possible solutions here. Each has its own merits and may be useful in differing circumstances. It’s likely that a real life requirement would be more complex than the simple example given here, so it wouldn’t be sensible to give a recommendation for which approach to adopt as this will vary according to the precise requirements. However the solution chosen is likely to be based on the performance required, code clarity and maintainability.
Link back to this article : row values in a table to a single concatenated string.aspx


TSQL,Row concatenation,table,pivot

Post by Deep on Thu 18 Oct 2012 13:40. Report Inappropriate Post


I have a requirement like....
Table : Employee
Row [ 0] : column [0] : has value = "Server"

Do something so in Table it will insert like
Post by Bob Murray on Wed 24 Oct 2012 15:15. Report Inappropriate Post

This post is fantastic - thank you!
Post by Nike on Thu 10 Jan 2013 16:51. Report Inappropriate Post

Hi, i want to get same multiple row from 1 row in table sql.
table "schedule"
Name Hospital Visit
Ana RSIA 3
Budi RSIB 2

i want to create a query to get the result like :

Ana RSIA 3
Ana RSIA 3
Ana RSIA 3
Budi RSIB 2
Budi RBIB 2

Need your help to create a query in sql sever.
Post by wajira on Fri 19 Apr 2013 10:05. Report Inappropriate Post

Thank you very much. Saved my day
Post by Bob on Wed 09 Oct 2013 21:26. Report Inappropriate Post

Exceptional article that continues to save some of us overworked developers TONS of time!

Thanks So Much!
Post by Daniel on Wed 23 Oct 2013 11:27. Report Inappropriate Post

Excelent article!!! Thanks a lot!!!
Post by Peter Sidi on Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:59. Report Inappropriate Post

Way to go!!!
Post by hari on Mon 17 Feb 2014 06:19. Report Inappropriate Post

.i have a table called employee in that empno,ename,job,sal,deptno are columns.
i want to retrieve the data in below format for each record in a table.
how to solve this?

Post by Brahim on Tue 29 Apr 2014 15:52. Report Inappropriate Post

a much simpler solution without use of any loops and can be used for any number of rows :)

SELECT left(C, len(C) - 1) as ConcatText
SELECT Txt + ','

FROM ConcatenationDemo
) AS D(C)
Post by bruce on Tue 17 Jun 2014 22:57. Report Inappropriate Post

Add one level of complexity, please, where a "group by" is implemented.

Specific example, say, people's color choices, in a table like this:

person, color
bruce, red
sam, blue
sam, orange
bruce, green
sally, purple
bruce, purple

after magic sql select, along the lines of this article, get this result:

bruce, "green, purple, red"
sally, "purple"
sam, "blue, orange"

so, we group by person, and the color field values are concatenated, with colors in ascending order. 10000 points to anyone who can come up with a simple, inline select that accomplishes this, along the lines of Brahmin's, or the author's excellent writeup.
Post by C on Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:37. Report Inappropriate Post

Select A.person
,(Select STUFF (
(Select ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),color)
from t1
where person = A.person
,1,1,'') AS cols
) as color from t1 as A group by A.person
Post by candy on Tue 16 Sep 2014 10:07. Report Inappropriate Post

hi! how do I create a primary key that consists of both a string and a number and it also auto-increments?
Emp.ID = A001....
Post by Sylvia on Thu 12 Mar 2015 06:10. Report Inappropriate Post

Thank you for this query - Select A.person
,(Select STUFF (
(Select ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),color)
from t1
where person = A.person
,1,1,'') AS cols
) as color from t1 as A group by A.person

Made my day
Post by Prashant on Tue 14 Apr 2015 06:40. Report Inappropriate Post

is it possible with charindex() function sir
Post by Reece on Tue 30 Jun 2015 22:42. Report Inappropriate Post

In this case you are describing a programmatic solution, however, if you simply have a list of items that you want to turn into a comma separated list once-only, you can paste the list into this online tool:
and a comma separated list will be produced.
Post by Justin on Thu 09 Jul 2015 04:52. Report Inappropriate Post

Solution 4 : Using SQL Concatenation is cool as shit ...

Thank you!
Post by Susi on Thu 09 Jul 2015 14:10. Report Inappropriate Post

I have records in a table by (inserted by other team)
Ex: tbl_claims (ID, code1,code2)
( 1,'A1','A2')
At the end for Some report I need to sort these records like
( 1,'A1','A2')
How to achieve this?
Post by Mark on Wed 04 May 2016 21:12. Report Inappropriate Post

Excellent! Thank you!
Post by anvesh on Mon 06 Jun 2016 20:52. Report Inappropriate Post

Nice Article !
This is my pleasure to read your article.
Really this will help to people of Database Community.

I have also prepared one article about, What should be our practice to store comma separated list in Database System.
You can also visit my article, your comments and reviews are most welcome.
Post by Pam on Mon 27 Jun 2016 18:52. Report Inappropriate Post

I am not a developer and fairly new to SQL queries. I am writing a query to extract various fields from about 10 linked records and need to create a delimited CSV file, formatted one line per record appointment, even though I have multiple records due to all the files I am linking. I have patient demographic and appointment/service information that would only qualify once, but then I get into details as to the resource or provider attached to that appointment. Many of my appointments use a provider (person) and a location (room/equipment). Since the providers are stored in one table, and the location stored in another table, I get multiple lines for each appointment. I get this (abbreviated output) When I have one location and two providers, or two locations and one provider, I get six lines per appointment.

123456 Smith, Mary MRI L MRRMS 60 RADS 60
123456 Smith, Mary MRI P RAD 60 RADS 60
123456 Smith, Mary MRI P MRNRS 60 NRS 60

What I need to see is:

123456 Smith Mary MRI 1 L MRRMS 60 1 RADS 60 2 NURSE 60

I will need to add some delimiters in the output but I think I can figure that out. I appreciate any assistance someone can give me! I can share my query if that is helpful.
Post by Bikesh srivastava on Fri 05 Aug 2016 11:04. Report Inappropriate Post
Website :
// Create coloumn with seprated column value.from row value
SELECT DISTINCT p.[Account ID],p.[Contact ID],p.[Account Name],p.[Email],p.[Contact Role],
STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + p1.Role
FROM finalsheet p1
WHERE p.[Contact ID]= p1.[Contact ID]
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
,1,1,'') RoleS
FROM finalsheet p
--group by p.[Account ID],p.[Contact ID],p.[Account Name],p.[Email],p.[Contact Role]
Post by Scott on Thu 11 Aug 2016 06:05. Report Inappropriate Post

What if I have a bunch of records (40k+) and each one has a foreign key stored in it for its upstream record. There could be N number of upstream records for each. How could I start from the child and traverse the foreign key to the parent, take a column from the parent and concatenate it to a column in the base child until I have reached the top of the tree for this child? Then go on to the next child till I have gone through all of the rows in the table.

something like:
child -> parent1 -> parent2 -> parent3 -> .. ->parent[x]

where we have the foreign key:
child.parentID = parent[x].recordID

and I want to store the concatenated hierarchy string:

child.tree = "parent[1].recordID/parent[2].recordID/parent[x+n].recordID"

This would become a trigger to execute when child is inserted or child.parentID is updated.

This won't run very often after the initial table population.
Post by mad on Tue 16 Aug 2016 03:39. Report Inappropriate Post

Table 1 Table2 Table 3

productNo Date Date Sale storeNo productNo
Pro 1 2016-06-11 2016-06-11 0 1 0
pro 2 2016-06-12 2016-06-12 1 2 pro 1
pro 3 2016-06-13 2016-06-13 3 3 pro2

Output should be
StoreNo Date ProductNO Sale
1 2016-06-11 Pro 1 0
pro 2 0
pro 3 0
2 2016-06-12 Pro 1 1
pro 2 0
pro 3 0
3 2016-06-13 Pro 1 0
pro 2 3
pro 3 0

I was trying for past three days and reading many article , i cant able to find any solution related to this ?

i tried but My output was like this !!

StoreNo Date productNo Sale
2 2016-06-12 Pro 1 1
3 2016-06-13 Pro 2 3

But my result should be diff , i dint know how to do it !!
if any one can help!!
Post by sushant on Wed 31 Aug 2016 12:29. Report Inappropriate Post

Post by Mark on Thu 01 Sep 2016 11:33. Report Inappropriate Post

thank you much!
The simple select into the variable is the easiest to understand and short, but as you mention, it could bite you down the road.
I ended up using the XML PATH approach.

I was headed down the PIVOT approach originally, but thought I'd give Google a shot first, and found your article. I do need to play more with Recursive CTE's, I like that method as well.

Post by Rodrigo Gomez Olivera on Fri 25 Nov 2016 21:30. Report Inappropriate Post

Thanks you! XML Path A great solution, without use Loop, while, variable etc.
Post by Lalitha on Thu 01 Dec 2016 10:06. Report Inappropriate Post

RejectionReason ID RejectionReasonID CompanyName

Confirm you will provide 84 84 XXXX
Supply copies of trade 85 85 XXXX

I want to Concatenate : Confirm you will provide ,Supply copies of trade for the particular companyname
Post by Neha on Tue 24 Jan 2017 11:59. Report Inappropriate Post

Please help on this,
I have a table employee having columns name,dept
one employee can have multi please department
table looks like
name dept
NJ 10
NJ 20
JK 10
at max only 2 dept can be there for employee.

I want the data to be displayed like
NJ 10 20
JK 10 Null

Please any help will be appreciated

Post by Vaidhyanathan on Wed 29 Nov 2017 19:33. Report Inappropriate Post
Website :
rtrim (xmlagg (xmlelement (e,Txt || ',')).extract ('//text()'), ',') Txt

Check this.
Post by Urvisha on Sat 02 May 2020 00:05. Report Inappropriate Post

Hello, I want to create user define function, then pass 1 parameter called as string.That string should be pass interger value.That value display as row wise in ascending order. So how to do this?
Post by Hamid on Wed 22 Jul 2020 11:26. Report Inappropriate Post

PurchaseNo Sold Desc
4 90625 GANDUM LOCAL 62.500 @ 1450
4 44000 TOTA 25.000 @ 1760

please help me out i want to show this data on this way in ms access This is my query data

4 134625 GANDUM LOCAL 62.500 @ 1450, TOTA 25.000 @ 1760
Post by raju on Wed 09 Sep 2020 08:01. Report Inappropriate Post

hi any one help me that
my input is 10000/3
result should be
Post by Ali on Fri 19 Mar 2021 09:56. Report Inappropriate Post

Absolutely great article!!!!! Thank you
Post by Ali on Fri 19 Mar 2021 12:04. Report Inappropriate Post


When I replace "MAX" with 100 in "VARCHAR(MAX)" in the table definition, the recursive CTE approach does not work. Could you explain to me why? Thank you!

Post by Dan on Wed 13 Dec 2023 22:44. Report Inappropriate Post

Brahim's solution ("a much simpler solution") was very elegant and worked great for my use case.

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